And so it begins...
Welcome, one and all, to my blog! Am I too late to the party?
One of my goals with this blog is to tell stories: the stories behind my art and music, and any others that I might deem relevant from time to time. Hopefully, they are as interesting to you as they are to me.
But first, I’m going to begin with a current favorite theory of mine: a Theory on the Causes of the Rapid and Accelerating Dissolution of Reality. Note: it might help your understanding of my theory if you’ve had some psychedelic experience with the understanding of “reality” as a manufactured illusion and space and time as costructs of mind. But I’ll try to go slow for the rest of you…
My theory came to me as I was watching a program on Einstein’s problem with quantum theory. I had recently been ruminating on the experience of “reality” during Trump’s presidency as increasingly unbelievable: words no longer meaning what they had always meant, constant and increasing bombardment of perverse, sadistic “jokes” in the news, a sense that everything was turned upside down and that it would be impossible to turn it back right. Also, as a side note, I had done some fairly extensive reading in the past on the nature of “mind”, culture, and physics: The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown Of The Bicameral Mind (Jaynes), The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down To Size (Nørretranders), The Dancing Wu Li Masters (Zukav), Strange Fruit (Heinrich), Psychedelic Shamanism (DeKorne). And a bunch of Joseph Campbell. But while watching this program, it suddenly all came together.
Einstein had been bothered by quantum theory from the start. His colleagues had assumed that it was because the new theory seemed to leapfrog Einstein’s own theories at the time, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. The math didn’t add up exactly. He was told not to worry; “who cares, as long as it works?”
And it did work, or at least it did in the industrial setting of the time. It made possible extreme leaps in technology: atomic weapons, lasers, advances in manufacturing and computing including silicon chip creation. The “powers that be” had made their decision; time, and the world culture, would march on.
Einstein took a position at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton and assembled a group of graduate students to help him figure out what was bothering him about quantum mechanics, and eventually they discovered an anomaly called Quantum Entanglement.
This is where it gets weird, and hard to explain in layman’s terms. I can’t claim to understand it fully myself. but here goes (via Wikipedia): “Quantum entanglement is the physical phenomenon that occurs when a pair or group of particles is generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in a way such that the quantum state of each particle of the pair or group cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance. (…) This behavior gives rise to seemingly paradoxical effects: any measurement of a property of a particle results in an irreversible wave function collapse of that particle and will change the original quantum state. In the case of entangled particles, such a measurement will affect the entangled system as a whole.”
So, the measurement of quantum entangled particles was causing a wave function collapse of the particles thus entangled. Einstein focused on the impossibility of this occurrence, famously dubbing it “spooky action at a distance”. The entanglement was seen to occur instantly at distances that would have required any causal reaction to happen at faster-than-light-speed. In an experimental environment, that might seem harmless enough (except that there would be no way to know how many other particles than the ones being observed were also entangled and therefore subject to collapse). But here is Wikipedia again: “The utilization of entanglement in communication, computation and quantum radar is a very active area of research and development.”
So quantum physicists are continuing to experiment with and measure entangled particles while causing the irreversible wave function collapse of same.
My theory, then, is that the fabric of space time (“particles”) is being exponentially destroyed, frayed at the seams, as it were, before our eyes because we didn’t do the proper beta testing on quantum theory before adopting it as the single cultural force and making it an intricately woven-in part of our cultural reality, and now we’re all walking around with the fruit of that process in our pockets every day, using it constantly and causing our “reality’s” dissolution.
Just a theory…